Heuristic evalueation
E. Savych
Usability Heuristics are 10 principles for evaluating the usability of website interfaces and interaction design, created by computer scientist Jakob Nielsen in 1990.
10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design
The system should always keep users informed about what is going on through appropriate feedback within reasonable time

#1 Visibility of system status
The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.
#2 Match between system & the real world
Users often perform actions by mistake. They need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted action without having to go through an extended process.
#3 User control and freedom
Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform and industry conventions.
#4 Consistency and standards
Good error messages are important, but the best designs carefully prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions, or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.
#5: Error prevention
Minimize the user's memory load by making elements, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the interface to another. Information required to use the design (e.g. field labels or menu items) should be visible or easily retrievable when needed.
#6: Recognition rather than recall

Shortcuts — hidden from novice users — may speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the design can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.
#7: Flexibility and efficiency of use
Interfaces should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in an interface competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility.

#8: Aesthetic and minimalist design
Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no error codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution.

#9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
It’s best if the system doesn’t need any additional explanation. However, it may be necessary to provide documentation to help users understand how to complete their tasks.
#10: Help and documentation
Severity levels
Level 1
Cosmetic Problem: superficial usability problem may, be easily overcome by user or occurs extremely infrequently. It does not need to be fixed for
next release unless extra time is available.

Level 2
Minor usability problem: may occur more frequently or be more
difficult to overcome. Fixing this should be given low priority for
next release.

Level 3
Major usability problem, occurs frequently and persistently or
users may be unable or unaware of how to fix the problem. It is
important to fix, so it should be given high priority.

Level 4
Usability catastrophe seriously impairs use of product and
cannot be overcome by users. It is imperative to fix this before
product can be released.
Findings & Recommendations

After reviewing and detailed check of the site it was founded 35 usability problems.
16 problems here given very low severity ratings and were considered as “cosmetic problems”. Thus, they are not of immediate attention for
this report.

8 usability problems were rated as “minor problems” , 6 usability problems were rated as “major problems” and 5 as usability carastrofe.

14 Major, Minor and Catastrofe problems related consistency and standards and 9 Flexibility and efficiency of use of website.

As you can see for yourself there are big aesthetic and minimalist design design problems on the website. The site is overloaded with a lot of visual elements. If it is cleaned and folow reccommendation from report then it will be much more beter for usability.

Below you will see a summary table of usability problems and detailed list of usability issues and how it needs to be managed:

If the search is incorrect, the system does not display the message "No results found".

Preliminary Solution:
Display "No results found" message.

  1. Visibility of system status
4. Consistency and standards
9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

Severity level: low

  1. https://www.sushipoint.nl/
Unreadable text

Preliminary Solution:
Put the font 18pt

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
4. Consistency and standards

Severity level: medium

2. https://www.sushipoint.nl/pages-list
White text on a light button is not readable

Preliminary Solution:
Make a dark monochrome button color

7.Flexibility and efficiency of use
8.Aesthetic and minimalist design

Severity level: medium

Poor text grouping - uncomfortable to read

Preliminary Solution:
Make distance between paragraphs larger

8.Aesthetic and minimalist design. 7.Flexibility and efficiency of use 4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: low

4.https://www.sushipoint.nl/ voorwaarden
When scrolling the window with the order, the scroll function is broken (the wheel does not reach so that you can press the button below)

Preliminary Solution:
Set up the wheel scrolling function in the order window.

7.Flexibility and efficiency of use. 4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: high

Privacy page not working - throws an error

Preliminary Solution:
Make the page work, in case of an error, make instructions for further actions

7.Flexibility and efficiency of use 10 Help and documentation

Severity level: high

Readability violations - poor block grouping

Preliminary Solution:
Make block elements on the right of the same width (take a photo of the restaurant in proportion to the width of the map); add another promotional product on the left side by side with the second one. Align blocks horizontally.

7.Flexibility and efficiency of use 8.Aesthetic and minimalist design. 4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: low

When ordering after hours, it gives an irrelevant error that they have too many people and it is impossible to order

Preliminary Solution:
Change the message to the correct one

1.Visibility of system status
4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: high

When refreshing the page in the non-working hours of the restaurant, it gives a strange announcement about the staff party

Preliminary Solution:
Change the message to the correct one

1.Visibility of system status
4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: high

In the registration field, if the password is entered incorrectly, all information that was entered earlier is deleted.

Preliminary Solution:
The information entered during registration should be saved after refreshing the page or when stepping back and forth.

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use 4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: medium

When registering and going to the next step, there is no back button (only through the browser < you can roll back)

Preliminary Solution:
Add back button at registration steps

3. User control and freedom

Severity level: medium

When trying to order after business hours, there is no option to order for tomorrow or for a date (during business hours)

Preliminary Solution:
Add order function for another day (/for tomorrow)

3. User control and freedom
2. Match between system & the real world
4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: high

You can enter incorrect information in all fields and the system will skip it and will not show an error in the phone or house number field

Preliminary Solution:
Do not allow incorrect emails and phone numbers. Display an error message if the input is incorrect. Give an example of a number and email in light gray in the input box

5. Error prevention
4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: high

The menu has a large indent between the menu position and the footer (so for each menu category there are 2-3 positions)

Preliminary Solution:
Make padding from footer 40% smaller.

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use 8. Aesthetic and minimalist design. 4. Consistency and standards

Severity level: low

Non-working page Sushi catering

Preliminary Solution:
Remove page or add information.

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
4. Consistency and standards

Severity level: low

When hovering over the Payment (Afreken) button, there is no effect of changing the state of the button. Not sure if the button is working.

Preliminary Solution:
Work out the behavior of clickable elements

1.Visibility of system status
4.Consistency and standards

Severity level: medium

15.https://www.sushipoint.nl/ (Bestelling)
Summury table "Sushi Point"
Findings & Recommendations

After reviewing and detailed check of the site it was founded 17 usability problems.

8 problems here given very low severity ratings and were considered as “cosmetic problems”. Thus, they are not of immediate attention for
this report.

5 usability problems were rated as “minor problems” , 4 usability problems were rated as “major problems” and 5 as usability carastrofe.

6 Major, Minor and Catastrofe problems related consistency and standards and 5 Aesthetic and minimalist design.

There are not many functional errors on the site, but there are small details that need to be fixed on the main page: remove the large banner make a functional menu fix the design of the reviews section.
Work with these problems will greatly improve the use of the site and its design.

Below you will see a summary table of usability problems and detailed list of usability issues and how it needs to be managed:

Non-functional top of the top page.

Preliminary Solution:
Make the banner either smaller or remove it so that you can immediately see the positions for the order.

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

Severity level: medium

The inscription is doubled: Contact and Contact informatie.

Preliminary Solution:
Remove "Contact informatie"

4. Consistency and standards
8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

Severity level: low

The line with the name of the company that made the site is higher than the contact information for the sushi delivery in the footer, which gives it more priority

Preliminary Solution:
Move the line of the site developer to the very bottom

4. Consistency and standards
8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

Severity level: low

Violation of a single standard for switching menu items. When you go to the MENUKAART item, there is a transition on the main page to the block below, but not to a separate page of the site (here it is not clear how to go back or to another page, since the header disappears). This is non-standard page behavior for a site. All other menu items are made on separate pages.

Preliminary Solution:
Make the menu item 'menu' a separate page

4. Consistency and standards
3. User control and freedom
7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
1.Visibility of system status

Severity level: medium

There is no alignment in the title of the Reviews section, there is no indentation with the review blocks, and the reviews blocks are placed unaesthetically. Uncomfortable to read. Poor grouping according to the law of proximity.

Preliminary Solution:
Make indents between the title of the Reviews section and blocks with reviews. Redesign the review blocks. Restructure the elements of the feedback block.

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design.
4. Consistency and standards

Severity level: low

You can enter incorrect information in the phone number field and the system will skip it and not show an error.

Preliminary Solution:
Don't skip the phone number. Display an error message if the input is incorrect. Give an example of a number and email in light gray in the input box

4. Consistency and standards
3. User control and freedom
7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
1.Visibility of system status

Severity level: high

Unnecessary line at the very bottom of the page

Preliminary Solution:
Remove the line.

4. Consistency and standards
8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

Severity level: low

Summury table "Namoto Sushi"
Findings & Recommendations

After reviewing and detailed check of the site it was founded 13 usability problems.

4 usability problems were rated as “minor problems” , 7 usability problems were rated as “major problems” and 2 as usability carastrofe.

3 Major, Minor and Catastrofe problems related consistency and standards and 4 Flexibility and efficiency of use of website.

There are no global problems with the design of the wevsite, but there are several important critical points regarding the use of the site and the mechanics of ordering sushi.

Below you will see a summary table of usability problems and detailed list of usability issues and how it needs to be managed:

Non-working page when clicking on the banner.

Preliminary Solution:
Make a page to go through the banner

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use 4. Consistency and standards

Severity level: high
In the phone number and email field, you can enter incorrect information, since there is no example of what format to enter.

Preliminary Solution:
Give an example of a number and email in light gray in the input box

5. Error prevention
4.Consistency and standards.
7.Flexibility and efficiency of use
10 Help and documentation

Severity level: medium
During registration, an incomprehensible error when entering the password "validation.min.string"

Preliminary Solution:
Write a rule for creating a password, in case of a password entry error, make a correct notification

1.Visibility of system status
5. Error prevention.
4.Consistency and standards.
7.Flexibility and efficiency of use
10.Help and documentation

Severity level: high
It is not possible to place an order with you or for delivery the next day if the institution is closed today.

Preliminary Solution:
Make the possibility of ordering with you or delivery for future days

2. Match between system & the real world.
7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

Severity level: high
Summury table "Sumo Sushi"