-It is great to talk about how I can feet for this role.
- It is great to meet you.
-Thank you to inviting me to the interview.
My name is Eva and I am UI/UX designer. I have got my masters in economy in my home town which is located in Ukraine and after that I decided to pursue my career in IT. I studied in IT School in Ukraine and finished ui/ux design course .
After that I've got my first job as UI/UX designer in Amsterdam where I am located at the moment.
I've worked for a big tech company Inoitech.
Last 5 years I worked with many different clients and different industries. My key responsibility was working across multiple teams of developers and designers
If you look on my portfolio my work is focused on web products and applications.
My work experience is related to testing new ideas with existing users, competitive product analysis and data analysis. Analysing product requirements and producing high-quality UI/UX design solutions through wireframes, visual and graphic signs, site maps, and prototypes.

My benefit in the companies was grows in leads and sales increasing as result by providing creative design projects, better usability
I am looking for company where I can improve my professional skills.

Based on my search UI/UX DESIGNER IN Amsterdam area have a range of 3900-4400 € 3.917 per month. I am comfortable with this range.

I like to talk to people and understand their problems therefore I can find the best solution for their needs and also.
I love clean and minimalistic design.

My current contract is freelance. I work for entrepreneur. He has a lot of different businesses in innovation technologies. So I didi a lot of different design stuff for him. Mostly websites. I made everything what this companies needed in design. So I am looking for company where I can grow as designer.

Design Process
It defeneteley depends on the team. Sometimes I jump into the project but if I am designing something from scratch to finish this is how the process looks like.
1. The first is, of course, user research. I need to understand what problem we are trying to solve. And we will talk about potential users and try to understand their problem, pain points.
2.Then we'll take those results and came up with product back or product requirement.
3.next phase is the product mapping tool . so i'll come up with a product map for the entire platform so basically if you look at this product map you will be able to see how the product function, how can user go from home page to whatever step that we have for the products right so this mapping is just basically providing a view for the entire product so you know how pages will link together and once when we have the product mapping phase a part done then we'll move forward to the prototyping
4.Prototyping most of the time i'll come up with a wireframe for prototype. so if you look at my portfolio there are a lot of work that is black and white and those are the wireframes i come up with based on the spec documents and also the product map
5. without caring about the visual which is going to come next we have the prototype for the prototype for the wireframes and all that clicking prototype then we can invite some of the users that we have done user research part and just ask them about questions about our products now and see if those design that we make solve this kind of user problems right so what we're trying to do is ask them to kind of use our products and see where do they click on on the products and make notes about you know their struggles and all that so there's like a user um prototyping and user research part and just make sure that our functionality is good to go and when everything is done
6. then the last step is to make the product look good and basically you know putting on colors uh making sure that all the typography is on point making sure that the entire thing is pixel perfect um and then also like the colors and everything so this is the the face where it will make the product look pretty um so that is you know the usually the face for the entire product design and once when we launch it then i believe that we get a lot more user feedback then the whole process can be a bit more agile you know going from there back and then do the testing again launch again and test again
i don't really do a lot of research and the reason why is because a lot of my client or the company that i work with they have already done a bunch of research so there's something that can always find from their current users and just something that is working something that is not working and i can
Where do you see yourself in five years

i don't think i'll ever stop designing because design just what i love
I want to expand into UI UX design and therefore I want to become a super professional in UI UX design field with in-depth knowledge in UX analises
  • Strong Interface Design Skills

    UI I am very proud of my visual background. I have passion to visual and art. Strong user visual ui skiils
  • Adaptive

  • Responsible
    I had one project with solar energy that I had to complete with in 2 days, but normally it takes 4 days. And I finished it in 12 hours. So my manager was very impressed with this result.
  • Fast leaner
    Can fast learn some IT sprogramm
  • Can manage several projects at the same time.
  • I have not good english communication skills
    But I am taking private classes to improve it.
I love you mission. I low how you help companies...in

I love your story guyes. How you started with a small start-up and how did you build a greate comany.
My super interesting last project is Newlife app.

The project objective was to build a platform that combines the smart nutrition plans, body biomechanics exercises and body relaxation techniques to help people improve their health and make it highly accessible, simple and affordable. Newlife platform is a complicated tool, the primary task for me was ensuring that the product will be easy to handle for all types of users with any proficiency level. Therefore, I developed the architecture of the web platform from scratch, analyzing existing products in the field of wellness and conducting UX research.

I conducted an interactive workshop to fully understand target audience needs and preferences and conducted interviews with potential customers what allowed us to better understand their critical needs and expectations. Then I established the product layout based on pre-defined customer journey maps and created high-fidelity prototypes of two customer interfaces to test the solution before production version.

To accommodate the needs of different age groups of the target audience, I tested multiple fonts, font sizes, contrast levels and color schemes and carefully chosen a proper main font size to ensure content readability for all audience.]

Results: web-based Self-Care Health Platform. My UX-oriented approach and deep understanding of the business tasks allowed to create a holistic product with an target audience-oriented interface that is going to drive consistent user engagement and constant interaction with the platform.

Best Project
Издательство Тильда
This was really interesting project. The goal was to create digital platform for online learning and knowladge sharing. The role I had in that project information architecture come out with a clear concept for how we would move forward with that platform.
Challange you failed.
It was project i have worked years ago. We thought we were on the right track and we were about to lounch a new product, We had done User research. We had done multiplle concepting stages and even build prototypes and tested them but than we realised at the last minute that we had that we had build. our prototype on the wrong topic and we realised that we was solwing the wrong thing. It was huge crisis in our team. We didnt know what should we do and we admit this mistake and start whole process from zero and reframed it in a different way.
UX design is the process used to determine what the experience will be like when a user interacts with your product
Blixem Boats, Diemen, The Netherlands

Digital Manager, contract ( January 2018 - to date)

Creating the brand and the concept around it. Developing and conceptualising a comprehensive UI/UX design of dutch electric boat startup. Working on advertising, content & campaigns for the brand.

Digital Designer, Inoitech
contract (June 2016 - to date)

UI/UX design for websites, dashboards, mobile apps (iOS/Android), creation prototypes, responsive web and interface interactions. Finding UX solutions for usability improvement of the project

Ukrainian Retail, Donetsk, Ukraine

Packaging Designer, contract (September 2011 - May 2013)

Design of packaging and label design for Private Label (PL) of supermarket chain.. Development of design of advertising materials: posters, booklets, leaflets. Visualisation of layouts. Postcards, banners, signs. Organising and conducting a photo session, processing photos.

  • i would like to know more about you know the design team so how many people do you have in the design team right now and how do they work together?
    what is the culture on in the companies ?
    how everybody kind of collaborates?
  • Katie:
    What does a day to day looks like with this role ? And what other teams will be aligning with?
    2.How would you describe your company culture?

  • Katie:
    How would you describe your company culture?

    What are the challenges you are currently facing in your role?
  • I would like to know the salary, amount of vacation days per year and all possible benefits for employees at company?
  • 3. What does your company value?
    1. what are some favorite things about working here
    2. what challanges have you faced with your team?
    4. How is success measured at your company?
    5. What is your leadership style?
    6. What do you see the main challenges associated with this role?
    7. What is your next recruitment step
    I would like to know the salary, amount of vacation days per year and all possible benefits for employees at company?
    What is the composition of the teams
    If a startup - What funding do you have? Is there a customer?
    Do they exchange experiences? Should the company exchange experience?
    When to wait for an answer to test tasks. Selection stages

Законы в Работе с Заказчиком
Everyday we work hard to make life of our clients better and happier
  • 1
    Сделать чуть больше чем нас просили. (Ожидание у заказчика больше) Когда даешь дизай концепцию

  • 2
    Good Support
    Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night. Also you can visit our office for personal consultation.
  • 3
    Individual Approach
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method lets us to get success in problems of all levels.
UX ANALYSIS + User inetviews
Double Diamond
  • Стадия 1 — найди правильное решение (Diamond 1 — исследование и поиск решения)

    Эта фаза разделена на Открытие/Исследование и Определение/Синтез


    1. Разработайте бриф (стандартное начало) — попробуйте проанализировать бриф или изначальный вопрос, оспаривая каждую его часть и оценивая сферы интересов. Приведите столько элементов, сколько можете, найдите характеристики, определите сферы интересов и крайности, перечислите места, людей (персонажи), взаимодействия, которые связаны с кейсом, которые можно исследовать.

    2. Перед погружением в исследование, распределите свои находки по темам, чтобы получить общую структуру, и так вы сможете ограничить себя в объеме исследуемых материалов.

    3. Погрузитесь в исследование. Примените методы первичного (на местах) и вторичного (кабинетного) исследований. Вот исчерпывающий список методов исследования
      от ideo.org.

    В результате получится огромное количество неструктурированных результатов исследований.

    Farrel Gulierm
    Projects manager in Pixels
  • Определение/Синтез

    Чтобы придать своим результатам смысл, нужно синтезировать свое исследование, следуя таким шагам:

    1. Загрузите (просуммируйте результаты исследования и поделитесь ими с командой) все свое исследование.

    2. Сгруппируйте полученную информацию по темам.

    3. Найдите инсайты (инсайты — это спящая правда о мотивациях, пожеланиях и досадах потребителей в конкретной теме).
      Разработайте области возможностей (потенциальную область действий).
    4. Придумайте вопросы «как бы мы могли» (такие вопросы, которые помогают понять, что можно сделать или решить в заданной сфере действий).
      В результате у вас получится переработанный бриф (финальный бриф, вопросы), который либо уточняет, либо детализирует начальный бриф, а иногда даже противоречит ему.

    Samuel Willson
    Creative director in DD agency
  • Стадия 2 — сделай все правильно (Diamond 2 — разработка и внедрение)
    Так как вы вывели сам вопрос, который нужно решить или оспорить, вы начинаете идеацию.

    1. Идеация
      Это веселая часть фазы расхождения. Вы должны запретить себе как-либо ограничиваться, и подходить к процессу полностью открыто. Не судите в ходе идеации. Используйте «да, и...» вместо «нет...» или «да, но». Позвольте это на данном этапе, стройте свои идеи на идеях друг друга. Есть масса инструментов и методов креативной идеации, я не буду сильно вдаваться в детали.

    2. Оценка
      В конце фазы идеации оцените свои идеи и выберите любимые. Два инструмента, которые пригодятся здесь, это точечное голосование (когда каждый член команды голосует за идеи) или матрица влияний/осуществимости (матрица, которая показывает осуществимость в соответствии с потенциальным влиянием идеи. В результате, у вас получится одна или несколько идей, которые вы сможете прототипировать и тестировать позднее, чтобы найти лучший ответ или решения на свой вопрос или задачу.

      Результат / реализация

      Как только вы выработали потенциальные решения (наборы идей), вам захочется оценить финальное решение и то, каким образом его нужно реализовать или выполнить. Чтобы это сделать, примените гибкий подход из трех шагов:

      1. Разработка/Прототипирование 2. Тестирование/Анализ
      3. Итерация/Повторение

      Нацеливайтесь на продукт/прототип с минимальным функционалом (MVP — most viable product), который дает достаточно возможностей понять, решается ли изначальная проблема или находится ли ответ на изначальный вопрос.

      В результате вы сможете выработать конечное предложение, продукт, ответ или решение.
    Sarah Lewin
    Founder of Pic Pen studio
  • В результате, у вас получится одна или несколько идей, которые вы сможете прототипировать и тестировать позднее, чтобы найти лучший ответ или решения на свой вопрос или задачу.

    Результат / реализация

    Как только вы выработали потенциальные решения (наборы идей), вам захочется оценить финальное решение и то, каким образом его нужно реализовать или выполнить. Чтобы это сделать, примените гибкий подход из трех шагов:

    1. Разработка/Прототипирование 2. Тестирование/Анализ
    3. Итерация/Повторение

    Нацеливайтесь на продукт/прототип с минимальным функционалом (MVP — most viable product), который дает достаточно возможностей понять, решается ли изначальная проблема или находится ли ответ на изначальный вопрос.

    В результате вы сможете выработать конечное предложение, продукт, ответ или решение.

    Alex Larkins
    Creative director SoSoul magazine
helped us figure out how we needed to adopt the platform's design to optimize user journey, improve usability and accommodate user needs

gave us insights on user goals, their specific needs, features they value the most and pain points they usually encounter, thereby, allowing us to determine what the platform has to offer to ensure an effortless yet efficient user experience.
made it possible for us to understand how users may interact with Trading platform or similar applications and identify tasks they implement to achieve their goals.

Prototyping, analysis and testing
helped us gather feedback from traders and fine-tune the platform's most critical tool – the trading chart

UI Kit
The visual system was developed to allow for future scaling.

Buttons, drop-downs, tooltips, input fields, links, headers, and other design components were presented in the UI kit and designed so that their look would change in accordance with user actions: hover, selection, click.

Design with keep in mind

  1. Who our users are?
  2. What do they need to do with products?

Symbolization is an important definition for this perspective. Cultural perspective involves identity of symbols. The uses of words that are related with the image, the use of heroes in the image, etc. are the symbolization of the image.
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticise the images, but the critics have been made in interests of the society, although an individual makes the critics.

I have an interesting characteristic - this is a criticism of all the objects in my life that are not convenient to use. I even criticize the way the Tesla door opens. You can try it yourself - I'm sure you will agree with me. This gave me an understanding of where to direct my energy and use it in a constructive way. I began to study user behavior and create products that are convenient to use. In addition, I always pay attention to visual design. This has always been reflected in my clothes and things that I choose for myself.
Tilda Publishing
Why design